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That's a wrap, folks

By the time this post is uploaded, I will have finished my final exam at Carleton University, moved out of university residence and as such my time here will come to a close and I will soon be returning to the UK. Studying abroad has been an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone and I am hoping to assist future exchange students coming to Carleton with any questions or concerns they may have. Hopefully imparting some knowledge from my own experiences here, such as avoiding mishaps such as my accommodation issues upon my arrival as well as simple stuff such as where to go shopping and good restaurants, sights and activities to see and do whilst in Ottawa.  In truth, nearing the end of this experience has a rather bittersweet finish to it. On one hand, I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends back in the UK. However, I have enjoyed my time in Canada immensely and feel as though I have a place here, as well as missing all the great new friends I have

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